Mobile Software and Games Apps

Pest Control Software 7.1
★ Pest control services call for organizationand complete control over processes as many jobs require repeatedapplications after a set period of time. Pest control servicesrequire proper scheduling and recording of all business activitiesand the software that fully accommodates these requirements is thepest control software.★ Making work and transactions more efficient and controllable,pest control software offers the provision of easily recording andviewing of all business transactions and appointments. Thedifferent pest control services that can be recorded separatelyinclude roach and termite control, wood bee or carpenter beecontrol, mice and rats control, pest control, bird and rodentcontrol, flea control and all other general pest control jobs.Other jobs include recording of jobs relating to spiders, ants,crickets, silverfish, ladybugs, water bugs, millipedes, clovermites, moths, weevils, beetles and all other such insect riddancejobs.★ Since pest control jobs involve repeated applications at times,using the scheduler of the pest control software new and old jobscan be appointed through viewing dates which are available andaccommodate jobs likewise.The pest control software is an easy to use, simple program thatoffers four distinct functions including the scheduler, reports,clients and workers.★ The scheduler section allows storing of all job appointments andtimings which can be used to refer to current and upcomingappointments as well as appointing time for new jobs according toavailability. The reports section allows the earnings per day, perworker and total earned amounts to be viewed and calculated almostinstantly. A calendar appears on the screen that lists the earnedamount per day under each date which allows the user to checkappointments on a date and earnings of the job along with the jobdetails.★ The clients section stores all information about a client for whoa job has been performed including all details of the job and allcontact details and address of the client. This makes viewingprevious job history for a client easy along with viewing anyfuture appointments you may have with the respective client. Theprogram also allows the user to engage in a direct phone call tothe client from the program.★ Not only can you save in the email, mobile, home and work phonenumbers along with the address, but you can also capture photos ofthe clients if you want and save it with their profile.★ Lastly the workers section provides all information about allworkers involved in the pest control job including all jobsperformed, earnings per job and total earnings and all future andpast appointments of the worker. Also a complete profile of everyworker is available on the program from which you can choose asuitable candidate for any specific pest control job.
Veterinary Software 15.1
Mobile Software and Games
★ Every profession requires proper management in order to runsuccessfully and impart quality and on time services and productsand veterinary profession is no exception. Irrespective on whateverscale a vet practices on Veterinary software offers premiumfeatures that enables client information, accounting, records andschedules to be managed efficiently. Whether the software isrequired to be used in an office comprising of several veterinarianexperts or a clinic of a single doctor, veterinary software servesas the ultimate software to control, record and manage all relatedinformation and appointments associated to patients. The softwareis equally effective for mobile and equine veterinary practices aswell. ★ Veterinary software’s speedy, easy and simple menu offersthe best user interface experience through a menu comprising offour icons of Veterinarians, Clients, Reports and Scheduler. ★ TheVeterinarian section holds all information regarding everyveterinarian in a facility, offering a full profile of each expert.Through this section any veterinarian can be searched andinformation regarding his or her patients, appointments and otherrecords can be accessed. A complete list of customers and theircontact details can also be obtained. ★ The Clients sectionsimilarly holds the complete profile and history of every client(animals in this case) along with their owners address, phonenumber, email and other contact details. The option of making adirect call to any clients from the software is also present. ★Additionally, photos of both clients and veterinarians can also besaved in the program alongside other recorded information. ★ TheReports section holds all related information and reportspertaining to a client, including last visits, future appointments,any particular findings, etc. This section helps in referring to aclient’s past history and accordingly a future course can bechosen. ★ The Scheduler section appears in form of a calendar whichshows daily appointments and earnings of the day. New appointmentscan be easily made viewing this scheduler and the complete recordand data of a particular date including job details, earnings andappointments can be viewed through selecting a particular date fromthe scheduler calendar. All in veterinary software in onecomprehensive solution to all management problems a veterinarycenter may have. Add new client/veterinarian: you can tap the "+"in the upper-right corner of the screen (please find attachedscreenshots - the red arrows show where..).
Cleaning Business Software 11.1
★ Specialized apps and powerful software todayhas made doing business a lot easier than before. Recordingtransactions and viewing them becomes much easier for cleaningfirms through use of the new cleaning business software whichallows recording and viewing of all cleaning jobs including carpetcare, floor care, window washing, self employment, custodialtraining and all other related activities very easy andmanageable.★ The scheduler of the software allows recording of all due jobswith date and timing which not makes it easy to remember all jobsbut also in scheduling new work appointments as availability caneasily be checked through the cleaning business software. Settingappointment and never forgetting them is the base on which acleaning business excels and the cleaning business software helpsconsiderably in enhancing your business.★ Management is the key to any businesses’ functioning and althougheven the biggest of companies have to go through a lot in order tomanage new and previous job appointments, time scheduling, etc.Cleaning business software alone has the potential of serving thejob otherwise performed by multiple individuals and still theprovision of error remains.★ Making cleaning business functions error free and easilymanageable, the cleaning business software facilitates the cleaningindustry as its services thrive on timing and commitments. Not onlydoes this software makes managing business affairs easy but it alsoindividually stores in every customers data, so that you can viewwhat job was performed for the customer and when, the contactdetails and address can also be stored and any repeated jobrequirements can also be easily managed without missing out anyappointment and detail. Not only customer details but the amountyou earned for the job is also recorded thus facilitatingcalculation of financial earnings as well. The scheduler calendaralso separately indicates daily earnings listed below each date andyou can calculate your separate daily income too.★ Besides clients, for businesses that have multiple employeesworking for them, the software also records the appointments andearnings of every employee separately, allowing managing ofemployees, their jobs, timings and occupancy as well.★ The Cleaning Business Software, designed specifically to run incompatibility with Android also allows the option of capturing andadding in photos of both the workers and the clients in thesoftware. This is specifically beneficial for customer services, asyou are now better aware of every client personally via thisprogram.★ Besides offering service enhancing features, the software isexceptionally preferred for its speedy and simple program functionand a simple menu making it easy for everyone to use.
Car Wash Software 9.1
★ Car wash business like any other demandsproper organization and management in order to prosper and like anyother service in the car wash business, the service of a recorderwho records and keeps track of all services provided to date andones to be provided in future is of immense important. There is noroom for errors and making life easy for a car wash owner is thenew car wash software that performs all management tasks for thebusiness. This modern and extremely handy program makes managementof car wash business a real pleasure.★ The software broadly offers four functions including the clientssection, the workers section, the reports section and thescheduler. The scheduler can be used to schedule all jobs and newjob appointments based on date and time of job so that viewing allprevious, present and future jobs are as easy as 123.★ The clients section of the software can store in all servicesprovided to a client along with client information including phone,address, email, etc. personal profiles of all clients help inretrieving all past data whenever a repeat job is being performed.The program also allows making of calls directly to the anyclient.★ The Clients section stores in all information, as explainedabove, along with the choice of adding photos of the customersalong with their profiles as well.★ The workers section stores in all personal info of every workerand new appointments can be easily created checking the schedule ofworkers. Also this section offers a vast profile of workers thatcan be chosen according to expertise and availability for a certainjob. You can also check which customers a worker has servedpreviously and direct phone calls to workers can also be made viathe program. The program also allows setting of reminders forworkers to remind them of jobs for which appointments have beenmade.★ The reports section fills in all financial information as itdepicts daily earnings mentioned beneath every date on thecalendar. This section also shows individual earnings per day, alljobs performed on a date along with its details. The program alsooffers an auto search option which allows retrieval of all datarelated to workers, clients, earnings and other job details and canbe used to inquire or retrieve information for any specific worker,client or job.
Driving Instructor Software 7.1
★ The Software offers a speedy but rather simple tounderstandprogram, with an equally easy user interface makingoperations aseasy and as quickly as possible. The main menu showsfour distincticons of Instructors, Students, Reports andScheduler.★ The software is equally useful for both single andmultipleinstructors, as the Instructors section can be easily usedtomanage the whole process through entering in personal infoandcreating a personal profile of every instructor along withthedetails of jobs and students and their respective drivingprogramsthat are being taught. The software through thisinformation allowsretrieval of all students list of any instructorallowing them tomake further appointments.★ The Students section stores in all info of the students thatarebeing taught at the driving institute. This informationincludesresidence and mobile numbers and email, home and workaddresses.Also the provision of calling any student or making aphone callfrom the program is offered.★ An additional feature offered by the program is the choiceofcapturing the photos of instructors and students and savingthemwith their profiles for record.★ The Reports section allows viewing of all information oftheservices provided to a student with timings and earningsincludedin it. You can also insert in and later find out all jobdetailsand earnings from this section.★ The Scheduler allows viewing and checking of new andoldappointments as the calendar in this section reveals alljobdetails and appointments due on a day along with totaldailyearnings listed on the top of the date as well.★ All in all the Driving Instructor Software is the bestmanagementsoftware that allows smooth operations of any drivinginstitute dayto day functions.
Repair Shop Software 9.1
★ Managing day to day task is the key tosuccess for any kind of business or service. Irrespective ofwhether one is running a business solely or have hired employees todo the job, there comes a time when human brains alone fail toremember and handle all the schedules of the days to come one afterthe other. Same is true for repair services as the number ofcustomers to be handled continuously increases with previouscustomers returning for new jobs. This makes managing of all thedetails, tasks, schedule and earnings quite a difficult task. Oneefficient way to manage all your daily tasks are to try out the new"Repair Shop Software" program which is guaranteed to aid you inmanaging your services business efficiently and effectively.★ "Repair Shop Software" is the new software tool designedspecifically for the use of repair shops of all kinds includingrepairing of bikes, cars, equipment, shoes and even furniture. Notonly does the tool allow a repair technician to schedule hisworking hours but also stay informed on all scheduled appointments,services to be performed in a day along with additional informationof the clients who they would be providing their services for."Repair Shop Software" is a tool that is equally efficient to beused by an individual and a repair shop owner as well to manage themany repair technicians working in the place.★ The topmost quality of this tool is its simple and speedy workingtopped with an instant and easy operation method that is easilyunderstandable by all. The program’s functions are broadlycategorized under four icons. These icons namely Masters, Clients,Reports and Scheduler allow technicians full information regardingtheir work, client, appointments and earnings as well.★ Under the Masters section each technician can create his profilewhere all clients and appointments can be recorded as record ofprevious, present and future jobs to be done.★ The Clients section stores information about each and everyclient including their contact details and address and fullinformation regarding previous work done for the client. Theprogram also allows phone calls to be made from the programdirectly to any client.★ Not only can you save in the email, mobile, home and work phonenumbers along with the address, but you can also capture photos ofthe clients if you want and save it with their profile.★ The Reports section shows all appointments for a certain date inthe program's calendar along with total earnings of the day givenbelow the date in small font.★ You can easily check and schedule appointments on the calendarusing the scheduler section along with checking on the job detailsyou are required to perform on a certain date.
Taxi Scheduling Software 7.1
★ The speedy and simple software offers quick access to fourbroadmenus of Taxi, Clients, Reports and Scheduler. These fourmenusincorporate within themselves all information that you mayrequireto successfully operate a taxi business.★ The Taxi section can be used to create a complete profile ofeverytaxi driver along with his vehicle to check on readilywheneverneeded and also appointed to a certain booking when aclient needsit. The section offers a complete view of the list ofdrivers andtheir vehicle and their availability on the requireddates. Viewingthis section you can check if a driver is availableon a certaindate and time and make appointments.★ The Clients section holds all information about theclientsincluding their address, telephone numbers, emails,etc.★ The Taxi Scheduling Software also allows capturing photosofclients and taxi drivers to be saved with their respectiveprofilesto be referred to whenever needed.★ The program also allows the option of making a direct phonecallto clients through the program.★ The Reports section holds all related information about abookingsuch as time, area of pick and drop, total fare amount, etc.Allimportant information needed for the booking can be stored inthissection to be referred to later on whenever needed.★ The Scheduler is available on the program in form of acalendarwhich shows daily appointments, earnings, job details andall otherneeded information of a booking. Viewing this sectionnewappointments can be easily made and previous once can bereferredto easily for each day. Also the section lists in thetotalearnings of a day and calculation of total earned revenues canbecalculated easily as well.★ As easy as the Taxi Scheduler is to use equally efficient isitseffectiveness in running a successful business.
Pet Grooming Software 8.1
★ Pet grooming institutions are among someofthe most organized and managed facilities today as dealingwithpets is a totally different process compared to dealingwithhumans. These facilities require intensely the need to organizeandschedule all activities relating to a pet groomingfacility.★ The pet grooming software offers an extensive database thatstorein all details relating to scheduling of grooming processes,dataof pets and clients, data relating to groomers and allfinancialearning information as well. This software is so easy touse andmanage that within a simple glance the organizer can performasearch to find the animal that is to be groomed along withthemultiple profiles of groomers that are capable of doingthejob.★ The pet grooming software’s menu features four programsincludingGroomers, Clients, Reports and Scheduler. In the groomerssectioninformation about all groomers can be stored and easilyretrievedwhenever required. It can highlight the availability ofgroomersand save appointments and dates according to designatedjobs.Similarly in the clients section all information relating totheclient and pets can be stored including name, address, andcontactdetails.★ You can easily list appointments and view client listswheneveryou want and also make a phone call directly from theprogram toany client required.★ The pet grooming software, designed specifically to runincompatibility with Android also allows the option of capturingandadding in photos of both the groomers and the clients inthesoftware. This is specifically beneficial for customer services,asyou are now better aware of every client personally viathisprogram.★ The scheduler and reports section on the pet groomingsoftwareshows a calendar that depicts daily sales under each dateusingwhich you can calculate total sales along with details ofdailysales as well. This calendar also makes it easy toscheduleappointments and go through daily routine of commitmentswithoutany hassle. Also the reports section offers individualreports onthe collective and daily earnings of every groomer savedin thedatabase of the software and reports the collective earningper dayas well, including all groomers earnings of the day.★ This easy to use and manage pet grooming software is theultimatesolution to all managing problems faced by the servicesindustrytoday as pet grooming business management is no more ahasslethanks to this revolutionary pet grooming software.
Driving Instructor Software 15.1.3
Mobile Software and Games
★ The Software offers a speedy but rather simple to understandprogram, with an equally easy user interface making operations aseasy and as quickly as possible. The main menu shows four distincticons of Instructors, Students, Reports and Scheduler. ★ Thesoftware is equally useful for both single and multipleinstructors, as the Instructors section can be easily used tomanage the whole process through entering in personal info andcreating a personal profile of every instructor along with thedetails of jobs and students and their respective driving programsthat are being taught. The software through this information allowsretrieval of all students list of any instructor allowing them tomake further appointments. Add new Instructor/Student: you can tapthe "+" in the upper-right corner of the screen (please findattached screenshots - the red arrows show where..). ★ The Studentssection stores in all info of the students that are being taught atthe driving institute. This information includes residence andmobile numbers and email, home and work addresses. Also theprovision of calling any student or making a phone call from theprogram is offered. ★ An additional feature offered by the programis the choice of capturing the photos of instructors and studentsand saving them with their profiles for record. ★ The Reportssection allows viewing of all information of the services providedto a student with timings and earnings included in it. You can alsoinsert in and later find out all job details and earnings from thissection. ★ The Scheduler allows viewing and checking of new and oldappointments as the calendar in this section reveals all jobdetails and appointments due on a day along with total dailyearnings listed on the top of the date as well. ★ All in all theDriving Instructor Software is the best management software thatallows smooth operations of any driving institute day to dayfunctions.
Pet Grooming Software 9.1
★ Pet grooming institutions are among someofthe most organized and managed facilities today as dealingwithpets is a totally different process compared to dealingwithhumans. These facilities require intensely the need to organizeandschedule all activities relating to a pet groomingfacility.★ The pet grooming software offers an extensive database thatstorein all details relating to scheduling of grooming processes,dataof pets and clients, data relating to groomers and allfinancialearning information as well. This software is so easy touse andmanage that within a simple glance the organizer can performasearch to find the animal that is to be groomed along withthemultiple profiles of groomers that are capable of doingthejob.★ The pet grooming software’s menu features four programsincludingGroomers, Clients, Reports and Scheduler. In the groomerssectioninformation about all groomers can be stored and easilyretrievedwhenever required. It can highlight the availability ofgroomersand save appointments and dates according to designatedjobs.Similarly in the clients section all information relating totheclient and pets can be stored including name, address, andcontactdetails.★ You can easily list appointments and view client listswheneveryou want and also make a phone call directly from theprogram toany client required.★ The pet grooming software, designed specifically to runincompatibility with Android also allows the option of capturingandadding in photos of both the groomers and the clients inthesoftware. This is specifically beneficial for customer services,asyou are now better aware of every client personally viathisprogram.★ The scheduler and reports section on the pet groomingsoftwareshows a calendar that depicts daily sales under each dateusingwhich you can calculate total sales along with details ofdailysales as well. This calendar also makes it easy toscheduleappointments and go through daily routine of commitmentswithoutany hassle. Also the reports section offers individualreports onthe collective and daily earnings of every groomer savedin thedatabase of the software and reports the collective earningper dayas well, including all groomers earnings of the day.★ This easy to use and manage pet grooming software is theultimatesolution to all managing problems faced by the servicesindustrytoday as pet grooming business management is no more ahasslethanks to this revolutionary pet grooming software.
Archer vs Monster Bats 11.1.0
Have you ever loaded a bow with arrows? If not, play Archer vsMonster Bats game to shoot the dangerous monster bats. To begin thethrilling game, load your bow and shoot the evil monstersaccurately. When you play the game, archery skills will developthat will help you in defeating the monster bats and theircompanions. The game is comprised of 15 levels and each level ismore challenging than the previous. Get ready for an increase inmonsters numbers in upcoming levels. To win 15 game levels, youhave to use the arrows in right direction with fast speed so thatthe deadly creatures are killed within given time. Do not getworried, if you are not expert in shooting as there are some tricksto get support immediately. For Instance: ★ If you are unable tokill the enemies, just press the Lightning button to have batbarbecue. Within a few seconds, the monsters will get scorched. ★If you are confused due to excess of monsters, choose the Windbutton to drive all the invaders back for next ten seconds. ★ Poweris offered to kill your enemies swiftly with three arrows at atime. Keep in mind! All magical powers are available for a limitedtime period. Instead of relying all the time on these powerfultricks, try to win more and more gold and safe your exquisitekingdom. Bonus is awarded when you kill a great number of monsterbats in short period. Fascinating gameplay, thrilling soundtrackand comprehensive graphics have made the game more attentiongrabbing for players. Instead of getting bored in free time, playthe Archer vs Monster game and shoot your enemies. If you haveenjoyed time while playing, do not forget to give review +5 stars.Give your response so that we can introduce new games as youdesired.
Pet Grooming Software 9.1.0
★ Pet grooming institutions are among some of the most organizedand managed facilities today as dealing with pets is a totallydifferent process compared to dealing with humans. These facilitiesrequire intensely the need to organize and schedule all activitiesrelating to a pet grooming facility. ★ The pet grooming softwareoffers an extensive database that store in all details relating toscheduling of grooming processes, data of pets and clients, datarelating to groomers and all financial earning information as well.This software is so easy to use and manage that within a simpleglance the organizer can perform a search to find the animal thatis to be groomed along with the multiple profiles of groomers thatare capable of doing the job. ★ The pet grooming software’s menufeatures four programs including Groomers, Clients, Reports andScheduler. In the groomers section information about all groomerscan be stored and easily retrieved whenever required. It canhighlight the availability of groomers and save appointments anddates according to designated jobs. Similarly in the clientssection all information relating to the client and pets can bestored including name, address, and contact details. ★ You caneasily list appointments and view client lists whenever you wantand also make a phone call directly from the program to any clientrequired. ★ The pet grooming software, designed specifically to runin compatibility with Android also allows the option of capturingand adding in photos of both the groomers and the clients in thesoftware. This is specifically beneficial for customer services, asyou are now better aware of every client personally via thisprogram. ★ The scheduler and reports section on the pet groomingsoftware shows a calendar that depicts daily sales under each dateusing which you can calculate total sales along with details ofdaily sales as well. This calendar also makes it easy to scheduleappointments and go through daily routine of commitments withoutany hassle. Also the reports section offers individual reports onthe collective and daily earnings of every groomer saved in thedatabase of the software and reports the collective earning per dayas well, including all groomers earnings of the day. ★ This easy touse and manage pet grooming software is the ultimate solution toall managing problems faced by the services industry today as petgrooming business management is no more a hassle thanks to thisrevolutionary pet grooming software. Add new client/groomer: youcan tap the "+" in the upper-right corner of the screen (pleasefind attached screenshots - the red arrows show where..).
Pet Sitting Software 8.1.0
Mobile Software and Games
★ Pet sitting and dog walking businesses are at high nowadays andlike any other thing in life; pet sitting job too requires a lot ofmanagement and planning to be done effectively. It is essential tokeep all checks and records of all pets that will be availing yourservice. Previously all the paperwork and comprehensive solutionsneeded to perform the service was very discouraging however makinglife easier for all is the new Pet Sitting Software which allowsthe option of creating a vast database of pets and their relatedevents. The software is also exceptionally useful for zoo keepersor pet shop owners, circuses and farmers as well. The programallows easy storing and retrieval of all reports and notes relatingto different animals thus allowing easy navigation through day today functions. You can also store any medical history, favoritefood and even favorite toys notices on the program as there is nolimit to adding comments for a certain pet or animal. Anyone whohas to manage a number of pets knows very well that it becomesalmost impossible to remember every small detail and going intopaperwork is time consuming. Pet sitting software is one in allsolution to all pet business related problems making all processesas easy as one can wish for. ★ The speedy, simple and easy menu ofthe software includes four distinct icons namely Pet Sitters,Clients (Read Pets), Reports and Scheduler. ★ The Pet Sittersection allows each Sitter to create a personal profile of his orher own where all appointments and job details and histories can bestored to be retrieved or looked up to whenever needed. ★ TheClients section stores in all information about the clients in thiscase the pets that will be serviced by the sitters, includingaddresses, contact details and emails addresses of owners. Theoption of making a direct phone call from the program is alsoavailable. ★ Not only can you save in the email, mobile, home andwork phone numbers along with the address, but you can also capturephotos of the clients if you want and save it with their profile. ★The Reports section allows adding comments in form of addingnecessary and important notes with the time, date and earnings ofeach service provided each day. You can easily refer to thissection for information regarding any previous service provided orfor any future service that may be needed. ★ The Scheduler arrangesall necessary information in form of a calendar where old and newappointments can be checked and made. Each date shows the totalearning of the day alo0ng with job details as well. Add newclient/pet sitter: you can tap the "+" in the upper-right corner ofthe screen (please find attached screenshots - the red arrows showwhere..).
Car Wash Software 3.1
★ Car wash business like any otherdemandsproper organization and management in order to prosper andlike anyother service in the car wash business, the service of arecorderwho records and keeps track of all services provided todate andones to be provided in future is of immense important.There is noroom for errors and making life easy for a car washowner is thenew car wash software that performs all managementtasks for thebusiness. This modern and extremely handy programmakes managementof car wash business a real pleasure.★ The software broadly offers four functions including theclientssection, the workers section, the reports section andthescheduler. The scheduler can be used to schedule all jobs andnewjob appointments based on date and time of job so that viewingallprevious, present and future jobs are as easy as 123.★ The clients section of the software can store in allservicesprovided to a client along with client informationincluding phone,address, email, etc. personal profiles of allclients help inretrieving all past data whenever a repeat job isbeing performed.The program also allows making of calls directly tothe anyclient.★ The Clients section stores in all information, as explainedabove,along with the choice of adding photos of the customersalong withtheir profiles as well.★ The workers section stores in all personal info of everyworkerand new appointments can be easily created checking theschedule ofworkers. Also this section offers a vast profile ofworkers thatcan be chosen according to expertise and availabilityfor a certainjob. You can also check which customers a worker hasservedpreviously and direct phone calls to workers can also be madeviathe program. The program also allows setting of remindersforworkers to remind them of jobs for which appointments havebeenmade.★ The reports section fills in all financial information asitdepicts daily earnings mentioned beneath every date onthecalendar. This section also shows individual earnings per day,alljobs performed on a date along with its details. The programalsooffers an auto search option which allows retrieval of alldatarelated to workers, clients, earnings and other job details andcanbe used to inquire or retrieve information for any specificworker,client or job.
Lawn Care Software 2.1
★ Professional lawn care services askforproper recording of all business activities and transactionswithclients and the best way to do so in today’s competitive worldisto use world class software for the job such as the lawncaresoftware.★ The software comes with a schedule calendar that allowsrecordingand viewing of all job appointments either in the past orfutureones. You can keep track of business activities throughconsultingto the schedule calendar and assign new appointments andjobs onfuture dates along with time. Not only future jobs oftreeservices, snow removal or lawn mowing jobs can be recordedbutequipment maintenance can also be scheduled and recorded onthesoftware. The scheduler also facilitates job timing provisioninthe software so that no two appointments overlap with eachotherand complete track of time and appointments can be maintainedforall workers in a lawn care service company.★ The lawn care software is a modern, easy to use managementprogramthat proves to be handy in calculating all financialtransactionsper job and per day basis along with calculation oftotal earnedamount. The simple and easy to use software offers 4main sectionsincluding workers, clients, reports andscheduler.★ The scheduler allows recording and viewing of all appointmentsandscheduled jobs both past and present on the calendarfacilitatingeasy management of all jobs to be done presently andinfuture.★ The workers section stores in all worker profiles alongwithscheduled job timings and date. The total earnings and historyofjobs performed can also be stored in the software andretrievedwhenever required. The workers section also allows viewingof theworkers vast profiles and makes choosing the perfect workerchoicefor a job easy.★ The clients section too holds all historical accounts ofacustomer’s history which is conveniently stored and can beeasilylooked up whenever required. This section holds all detailsof allclients including phone numbers, addresses, emails andcomments.The program also allows the provision of making a phonecalldirectly from the software program.★ An additional feature provided in this software is the choiceoftaking a photograph of the customer if he or she approves of itforthe record.★ The reports section allows calculation of all earnings earnedperday shown beneath the date the amount has been earned. You canalsoquickly go through all appointments, jobs, details and earningforevery day through the Lawn care software calendar.
Pest Control Software 4.1
★ Pest control services call fororganizationand complete control over processes as many jobsrequire repeatedapplications after a set period of time. Pestcontrol servicesrequire proper scheduling and recording of allbusiness activitiesand the software that fully accommodates theserequirements is thepest control software.★ Making work and transactions more efficient and controllable,pestcontrol software offers the provision of easily recordingandviewing of all business transactions and appointments.Thedifferent pest control services that can be recordedseparatelyinclude roach and termite control, wood bee or carpenterbeecontrol, mice and rats control, pest control, bird androdentcontrol, flea control and all other general pest controljobs.Other jobs include recording of jobs relating to spiders,ants,crickets, silverfish, ladybugs, water bugs, millipedes,clovermites, moths, weevils, beetles and all other such insectriddancejobs.★ Since pest control jobs involve repeated applications attimes,using the scheduler of the pest control software new and oldjobscan be appointed through viewing dates which are availableandaccommodate jobs likewise.The pest control software is an easy to use, simple programthatoffers four distinct functions including the scheduler,reports,clients and workers.★ The scheduler section allows storing of all job appointmentsandtimings which can be used to refer to current andupcomingappointments as well as appointing time for new jobsaccording toavailability. The reports section allows the earningsper day, perworker and total earned amounts to be viewed andcalculated almostinstantly. A calendar appears on the screen thatlists the earnedamount per day under each date which allows theuser to checkappointments on a date and earnings of the job alongwith the jobdetails.★ The clients section stores all information about a client forwhoa job has been performed including all details of the job andallcontact details and address of the client. This makesviewingprevious job history for a client easy along with viewinganyfuture appointments you may have with the respective client.Theprogram also allows the user to engage in a direct phone calltothe client from the program.★ Not only can you save in the email, mobile, home and workphonenumbers along with the address, but you can also capturephotos ofthe clients if you want and save it with theirprofile.★ Lastly the workers section provides all information aboutallworkers involved in the pest control job including alljobsperformed, earnings per job and total earnings and all futureandpast appointments of the worker. Also a complete profile ofeveryworker is available on the program from which you can chooseasuitable candidate for any specific pest control job.
Duel of Tanks 5.1
A turn-based artillery game, Duel of Tanks is the game whereplayers counter and destroys the tank of their enemies withhowitzers and cannons. The game is designed to play in two modeswhich include mission and time attack. Presently, there are 20levels in the game and more levels will be added later very soon.Learning to play the game is very simple and easy and you only haveto swipe your finger for rotating the tank barrel. For increasingthe force of the bullet, keep the finger and long press. There arevarious special effects and the hero of the game is a 2D designedtank hero. The background environments are excellently designed andthe player assumes as if they are really on the site. The bestthing is that the environments are interactive as well which is agreat help in strategically taking over your enemies. The greataction tanker gameplay has original soundtracks which make the gamemore thrilling and exciting. You will assume yourself to be a realhero who is fighting in the tank with enemies. Every level has anew battle ground which is interactive and which enhances theentire gameplay. Duel of Tanks is allows its players to play turnwise and in a strategic way so that you can take over your enemieseffectively. The graphics are excellent and the soundtrack is highquality. With this game, you have the opportunity to get your handson an action game which will makes you a hero and will defeat allyour enemies with different types of weapons. Mount your tank andget ready to fight now.
Rental Software 9.1
★ The software is designed for all kindsofindividual, small scale and large scale rental businessesallowingeasy organizing and tracking of all rental units andresourcesavoided a multitude of problems that are facedotherwise.★ The easy and handy user interface allows checking andcalculatingof all previous professional events, leasing terms andotherimportant notes that are essential for making and takinginstantdecisions. Rental software completely rules out the need ofgoingand searching through extensive paper notes to find out ifacertain rental time is free.★ The sorting and searching function in the software allows userstoeasily handle all records irrespective of whatever type ofrentalbusiness you have. Businesses that are successfully usingthissoftware include Cars, property and hotel, electronics, videogamesand CDS, heavy equipments, boat, canoe and rowboats andmotorcycleand bike rentals.★ Rental Software is an easy, speedy and simple software withthemenu depicting 4 icons namely Resources, Clients, ReportsandScheduler.★ The resources section allows storing of all informationregardingresources to be rented out including time and date ofrentalsconfirmed to clients. You can also keep in notes regardinganyresource in this section and viewing it appointments andclientslist can be determined easily at any time.★ The Clients section records all personal information oftheclients including addresses, phone numbers and emails. Acompleteprofile of clients can be maintained with previous rentalservicerecords as well and direct phone calls can also be made totheseclients from the program if required.★ The program also allows the provision of capturing theclient’sand the rental resources photos that can be stored in thedatabasewith other records.★ The Reports section allows all daily appointments to berecordedinclusive of information such as the particular resource,time anddate of renting resource and total earnings from therentservice.★ The Scheduler appears in form of a calendar that showsallscheduled appointments for present and previous dates alongwithorder details, total earnings of the day and viewing itnewAppointments can also be fixed easily.★ All in all Rental Software is one program rental businessescannotsurvive without now.
Mutant Racing 3.1
If you are one of those who ever wondered about the edge work ofamotorcyclist, experience this retro realistic feeling withtheMutant Racing game. As you hop on your motorbike to begin thegame,the challenge is to carefully race and jump through a journeyofhills, gaps, and harmful obstacles. With mutant-themed fungraphicsand perfect sound tracks, experience the feeling ofmotorbikeracing in the world of a mutant. The Mutant Racing gamegives afeeling of addiction and excitement for people of all ages.Thatchallenge and develop visual, coordination, problem solvingandattentive skills of players. Successfully master each level,bycollecting as many coins as possible and safely arriving atthecheckered flag. Remember this is a race, so the challenge is todoso quickly and safely. In this game, coins are very valuable asacollection of 500 coins earn players an extra life. It alsoallowsplayers to continue racing their way through each level andearn arank on the ranking board of players. As you progress througheachof the 24 levels, be aware that the obstacles begin to getmoredifficult to overcome. Race through each level in style, asthecontrol features allow you to have precise control of yourracingspeed and to safely escape deadly obstacles. Use the left,rightand forward arrow keys to direct your motorcycle. Hit the Rbuttonfor brake control, and the space button to jump over thehills asyou escape the danger. Performance on each level is saved.At theend of each level, a number of coins collected will place youat arank on the ranking board of players. The Mutant Racing gameisadventurous, fun, challenging and exciting, as it is not a gameofviolence. It can be played on any mobile device that isoperatedunder the Android or iOS operating system. May the bestMutantmotorbike racer win their way through each difficult level!Mutantracers! Feel free to leave us with a review or some feedbackasthey very valuable to us. We warmly welcome yoursuggestions,comments, and ratings on the game.
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